What is Little Outliner?
by Little Outliner Thursday, July 7, 2016

Little Outliner is an easy to learn, entry-level outliner that runs in a web browser.

It's written in JavaScript. You must have JS turned on in the browser to be able to use it. 

Getting started

To create outlines, go to littleoutliner.com, log on with your Twitter account. 

A dialog appears asking for the title of your new outline. Click OK when ready.

An empty outline opens. Type. Press Return to start a new section. Tab and shift-tab to indent and outdent. Double-click to expand or collapse a headline and all its subs. 

There is no charge to use Little Outliner. Use it to become familiar with outliners. For some people the features of Little Outliner will be exactly what they need.

The outlines are stored on my server, but you can get the standard OPML source text for them, so they can be moved to any compatible outliner. 

What is an outliner?

It's an editor that works with hierarchic structures. 

For a full explanation, check out the Outliner Howto.

What are outliners used for?


Organizing projects.

Narrating your work.




