Movies worth re-watching
by Doc Searls Sunday, October 8, 2017

The 86 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time says more about BuzzFeed and its readers than it does about movies.

FWIW, I've seen 35 out of the 86.  Love a few (e.g. Princess Bride), walked out of one (Home Alone), and punched out of a few (e.g. Labyrinth) when they were on the small screen.

My own list, just off the top of my head: Godfathers I and II, The Matrix (Matrices? ... mostly the first, but still the whole trilogy, since the story does have an arc), Princess Bride, E.T., Jaws, On the Waterfront, La La Land, Something About Mary, Unforgiven, The Green Mile, Searching for Sugar Man, Finding Vivian Meyer, Inception. This isn't "best movies," btw. It's the ones that, for me, bear re-watching.

There are many I'd like to see but never have. Fight Club and Mean Girls, for example. Others I've seen once and liked but don't feel the urge to see again. Interstellar is one.

I could go on, but this needs to be a deep long thread rather than a blog.