The Blogosphere and Its Problems
by Walt Ludwick Friday, August 5, 2016

In "The Blogosphere and Its Problems" (closing article in the June Issue of FirstMonday, A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, critical perspectives and beyond ) author Alexander Halavais laments the devolution of our "blogospheres," as a mere handful of social networks have centralized so much of the flow, but brings it round to a positive conclusion in the end:  we must exercise our creativity to build peer-to-peer connections outside the silos of Facebook, Twitter, et al... Even "riding on the back of the privatized infrastructure."

Sounds a lot like, tho it gets no explicit mention, alas -i guess because it's still early days for this platform.  Now if we were to see more p2p functionality (pingbacks and active-notification, anyone?), that could change this game up pretty quick, IMHO... But far be it for me to tell our benevolent developer what he oughta do!  ;-)