What i look for 1999.io to provide
Monday, April 25, 2016 by Walt Ludwick

Two Things, essentially:

  1. Maximally usable interface, for minimally frictional writing/ publishing; AND
  2. Interoperability with social networks, so i can maintain my presence in multiple SN's (Facebook, Twitter, Medium) even while keeping everything i write in one web-space that i control.

As to 1 above:  that's what i'm exploring right now.  Easy enough to get started, i would say at this point, the workflow of most common tasks is admirably fluid, a few quirks that are either usability issues or bugs -it is too early for me to say- but MEANWHILE:

Regarding 2 above: the fact of it's being so RSS-savvy makes me inclined to think that interop should be easy... But i'd like to hear from people more technical than myself as to how such interoperability can be achieved by mere mortals that just want to write, and then publish to any of their SN accounts (having easily configured accounts & prefs for sharing) either to the default set, or else by overriding defaults at the level of a single post.

Is this asking too much, i wonder? Waiting to find out!